Have you ever been trapped by your own mind?

Have you ever been trapped by your own mind?
Have you ever felt like there’s no other way?
Have you ever been unable to speak?
Have you ever been unable to hear?
Have you ever been unable to feel?
Have you?

If you do, then it’s the anxiety.
She is evil, she is nasty.
She is dirty, she is hungry.
Most of the time, she is your enemy.

You’d say hello.
You’d hug.
You’d dance.
You’d be yourself.

But she says NO.
No to talking.
No to hugging.
No to dancing.
But YES to pretending.

Pretending to be happy.
Pretending to be excited.
Pretending to be comfortable
even when you out of your comfort zone.

People just see.
But mostly your smile.
People just hear.
But mostly the words they wanted to hear.

People just stand right next to you.
Smiling without joy.
Dancing without sprit.
Talking without promising.

And you deep down in your heart
know that you’re just better than that.
You know, but you are trapped.
You are trapped by your own mind.
You are trapped by the nasty little anxiety in your head.

Marija Prlichkova

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